How to form the present continuous
The present continuous (sometimes called the present progressive) tense in English is really easy to make and is the same for all verbs. We make it using the present simple of 'be' + verb-ing.
Click here to download this explanation as a PDF.
Click here if you'd prefer to learn how to USE this tense.
Here is how we make the positive:
Positive | Positive Short Form |
I am sleeping | I'm sleeping |
you are sleeping | you're sleeping |
he is sleeping | he's sleeping |
she is sleeping | she's sleeping |
it is sleeping | it's sleeping |
we are sleeping | we're sleeping |
they are sleeping | they're sleeping |
We can make the negative by adding 'not':
Negative | Negative Short Form |
I am not sleeping | I'm not sleeping |
you are not playing | you aren't playing |
he is not reading | he isn't reading |
she is not working | she isn't working |
it is not raining | it isn't raining |
we are not cooking | we aren't cooking |
they are not listening | they aren't listening |
Practise making the positive and the negative forms (exercise 1)
Practise making the positive and the negative forms (exercise 2)
Questions are also really, really easy. Just like we made the question with 'be' in the present simple, here we also put 'am', 'is', or 'are' before the subject to make a 'yes / no' question:
Yes / No Questions |
am I eating chocolate ? |
are you studying now ? |
is he working ? |
is she doing her homework ? |
is it raining ? |
are we meeting at six ? |
are they coming ? |
For 'wh' questions, just put the question word at the front:
Wh Questions |
Why am I eating chocolate ? |
What are you studying now ? |
When is he working ? |
What is she doing ? |
Why is it raining ? |
Who are we meeting ? |
How are they travelling ? |
Practise making 'wh' and 'yes / no' questions (exercise 1).
Practise making 'wh' and 'yes / no' questions (exercise 2).
Mixed Exercise 1
Mixed Exercise 2
Mixed Exercise 3
Click here if you'd like to learn how to USE the present continuous.